羅浩 / 銘傳大學建築學系第十七屆畢業專題
題目 : 那一片屬於香港人的海 / The seascapes which is belong Hong Kong
基地 : 香港西環豐物道8號
香港的海在哪? 一座島嶼的城市海岸都被填海造陸及人造的海港覆蓋、切割,所謂海灘離城市竟然如此遙遠而代價昂貴,海景的美在這裡重新打開,在廢棄的市場重建一個屬於香港島嶼的美術館,美術品也不再為了交易與人疏離,而是日常一部份,即使沒有看到美術品,你也將看見一望無際的海和一片快樂的海灘,原始的藝術與自然才是這土地上最好的藝術品。
Where is Hong Kong ’seascapes? Since the British governance, the development of Hong Kong has been hugely dependent on land reclamation and the flattening of the hills. During later stages of expansion, the couple has created heavy transportation structures at the northern waterfront; and a series of retaining walls and man-made slopes at the southern hills. Like Invisible Walls, they concentrate activities as transversal slices and constraint pedestrian movement to perforate axially across. The original intimate relationship between the city and the nature diminishes. The thesis aims to reappear Hong Kong seascape. Creating art museum to display local art and seascape. Even if there were no art products, the seascape is the longest exhibition and product that you will see .